Board majority blind-sides minority and appoints two

By G. Romero Wendorf
DONNA -- This is a one-sided news story, but it’s not for lack of trying on the part of this reporter. Granted, I didn’t call Donna ISD Board President Alberto Sandoval this time around, but since he’s ignored my last three efforts to contact him, I’ve given up. I did, however, try to contact Board Trustees Nick Castillo and “Tammy” Ramos, but to no avail. Ramos actually picked up her cell when I called, said she was in a meeting, and would call back. A day later, I’m still waiting. Tick Tock.
I also called School Board Attorney Robert J. Salinas. I figured I’d slip in under the lunch hour and called at approximately 11:45. The answering machine announced the office would be open until noon and then close for lunch.

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