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Pharr Boys and Girls Club Gymnasium is now open

PHARR – Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez and Pharr city leaders announced during Pharr’s State-of-the-City Address recently that the Pharr Boys and Girls Club gym has now been re-opened for use. The city took proactive measures and invested approximately $60,000 in funding to make the necessary upgrades needed to bring the facility into compliance.

After months of the Boys and Girls Club not being in compliance with city code and fire safety standards, the city was forced to close the facility in order to make the required safety upgrades to ensure that the safety and security of Pharr children were upheld to the highest standard. The city installed a new fire sprinkler system and emergency exits, new water lines, a new fire hydrant, a connection for the fire department, and provided for the installation of age-appropriate artwork.

Read the entire story on the e-Edition of our newspaper.

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