The Real Fake News
Truth Matters
Most of us remember where we were when we received particularly shocking news. I recall, for example, that I was driving my car on the top of the hill leading to my house when I first heard of the JFK assassination. I was in my living room when the twin towers fell. I was crossing the district line returning from seminary classes in Washington, D.C. when the rioting there (as a result of the Martin Luther King killing) began anew. I was at the corner of Main Street and Business 83 in McAllen when the George Herbert Walker Bush “recession” ended. That last incident was the most shocking of all.
Let me explain. Ronald Reagan had cut taxes when he was elected president. When he completed his second term the resulting economic boom was still in full swing. His vice president, George Herbert Walker Bush, was therefore elected president. Liberal Democrats immediately got to work convincing him that the deficit was too large and he needed to go against his “Read my lips; no new taxes” promise for the good of the country. They knew they could never defeat him if jobs continued to be created at a record pace. Bush caved and signed a new tax bill. (Ed. note: Dumb, dumb, dumb.)
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