Government Is The Problem
By Tom Haughey
Years ago I ran a center on South 17th Street in McAllen to help teens and others with family and substance abuse problems. There was always a pot of coffee ready for anyone who came in and wanted to talk. One of those who came in on occasion was a middle-aged gentleman named Tony. Tony was an alcoholic and lived in a flop house down the street. One day I remember seeing Tony walk by and inviting him in for coffee. His response struck me to the quick. He said: "I got my welfare check today. I'm going to go get the good stuff." It was at that moment I realized that the government was part of the problem and was enabling his self-destructive lifestyle. Tony had to come to the point where he faced up to his addiction and resolved to change with God's help. That would never happen if the government supported his habit until the day he died.