Board president says new process will alleviate future misunderstandings
By Gregg Romero Wendorf
SAN JUAN – There were a few problems with regard to the travel policy as it relates to the San Juan EDC, says Board President Arturo Guajardo Jr., but those problems have now been addressed by the board, and no future problems should arise.
In a story published in The Advance two weeks ago, we made mention of an item that had been placed on a November EDC agenda that sought clarification of the organization’s travel policy. At issue, according to a confidential source, was the question of whether or not two board members had actually attended an EDC-related conference in north Texas earlier this year for which they were cut a check for the entire estimated travel expense. One allegedly didn’t attend the conference but still deposited the travel check in his personal account; while another board member only stayed part of the time in the hotel for which he had been paid by the EDC to occupy, and yet kept the entire amount just the same.
Read the entire story on the e-Edition of our newspaper.