Looking for ambulance chasers
Ambulance-chasing attorneys and the case runners who generate cases for them give the good and honest attorneys a bad name, but I think I’ve figured out a way to screw the bad ones. Good thing is, it’s a way people can make some money off of the bad ones -- $10,000, to be exact. As a public servant, of sorts, The Advance News Journal will help you collect the $10,000, and the only thing we ask in return is an exclusive story about your situation.
I have a friend who got into a fairly serious auto accident last year after church. An elderly woman ran into the side of his car; the air bags deployed; and his wife took the brunt of the impact.
Two hours later, on a Sunday afternoon, mind you, there was already an attorney’s representative calling him on his private cell, wanting to sign him up for an attorney’s consultation, urging him to make an appointment that very week.
Read the entire story on the e-Edition of our newspaper. http://www.etypeservices.com/Advance%20News%20JournalID455/