Judge Delgado’s fat state pension just went “poof” Unless he wins on appeal
What’s the “Lupe Law”?
Following the recent federal trial wrapup of Rodolfo “Rudy” Delgado (found guilty July 11th), The Advance has finally obtained a copy of the new retirement law passed by the 84 th Texas State Legislature two years ago, the so-called Pension Revocation Act, and it is nothing short of bad news for the beleaguered judge. Commonly referred to as the “Lupe Law,” it is so-named based on the federal conviction of former Hidalgo County Sheriff Guadalupe “Lupe” Treviño and his ability to still get paid a state pension despite his conviction for money laundering (campaign donor was a drug trafficker – oops) and his five-year federal prison sentence.
“He’s guilty, and he’s still going to get paid a state pension?” was a common refrain heard in some of the RGV’s coffee shops not frequented by Lupe’s friends, of whom he counted as many, at least while he was still sheriff. That was, of course, before his world imploded around him circa 2013/2014, thanks in large part to his youngest son, Jonathan, who proved to be a dirty cop worthy of his own feature story on the Jan. 5, 2015 cover of Rolling Stone: “America’s Dirtiest Cops: Cash, Cocaine and Corruption on the Texas Border.”
Read the entire story on the e-Edition of our newspaper. http://www.etypeservices.com/Advance%20News%20JournalID455/