Go wait outside and get heat stroke
Tue, 2017-08-01 20:49
News Staff
Show me your papers?
By G. Romero Wendorf
I understand the agenda of the high-up administrators (a good many of them) running the so-called non-profits who say they’re looking out for the undocumented immigrants. The last guy quit mowing the lawn, or the maid quit, so did the nanny, they need cheap domestic help, so they’re on the look-out for new help. I get it.
The high-salaried non-profit admins pay in cash. They pay less than minimum wage, while pulling down in the neighborhood of $90k per year (not counting benefits).
Read the entire story on the e-Edition of our newspaper. http://www.etypeservices.com/Advance%20News%20JournalID455/